FREE ENTRY to 'CRAFTed - Scoil Ursula' the
exhibition of art works inspired by the river Lee, created by 6th class
pupils during the Crafts Council of Ireland's CRAFTed, a project
facilitated by Art in the Park artist resident Patricia Gurgel-Segrillo. Until the 5th of August.
During the Summer, Patricia will offer workshops inspired by the art work on display:

-'Painting the River' for children 3 - 5 yr accompanied by a parent/guardian. Non-toxic, water based hand and brush painting on paper and on canvas, inspired by the movement, flow and colours of water, with images and sound. Maximum of 6 children.
- 'My own Mandala' 6 - 8 yr. ‘Mandala’ inspired colourful wire practices and final mandala piece. After a slide show of images and music, the participants will be invited to sketch and plan before making the art piece. A ‘design requirement’ will be proposed: a loop or hook for hanging the mandala on ribbon. Maximum of 8 participants.
- 'Wire Art' 9 - 12 yr. River plant life inspired form and colour wall art created in aluminium colourful wires and semi-precious stones (blue, white and rose quartz, amazonite and amethyst). A slideshow of inspirational images and music during the sketching and planning of the art piece will be played. The ‘design requirement’ proposed will be loops/hooks for hanging the final wall art. Maximum of 8 participants.
These workshops have 1:15 hour duration and they cost 10 euro including all the materials used in the art work the participants will take home. For more information and booking: artinthepark[at]
During the Summer, Patricia will offer workshops inspired by the art work on display:
-'Painting the River' for children 3 - 5 yr accompanied by a parent/guardian. Non-toxic, water based hand and brush painting on paper and on canvas, inspired by the movement, flow and colours of water, with images and sound. Maximum of 6 children.

- 'My own Mandala' 6 - 8 yr. ‘Mandala’ inspired colourful wire practices and final mandala piece. After a slide show of images and music, the participants will be invited to sketch and plan before making the art piece. A ‘design requirement’ will be proposed: a loop or hook for hanging the mandala on ribbon. Maximum of 8 participants.

- 'Wire Art' 9 - 12 yr. River plant life inspired form and colour wall art created in aluminium colourful wires and semi-precious stones (blue, white and rose quartz, amazonite and amethyst). A slideshow of inspirational images and music during the sketching and planning of the art piece will be played. The ‘design requirement’ proposed will be loops/hooks for hanging the final wall art. Maximum of 8 participants.
These workshops have 1:15 hour duration and they cost 10 euro including all the materials used in the art work the participants will take home. For more information and booking: artinthepark[at]